formacion pci seguros aseguradoras

Pefipresa provides specialized training to the insurance company QBE

Recently PEFIPRESA welcomed the insurance company QBE to deliver a training program at our facilities. The day focused on addressing the prevalent concerns among insurance companies regarding specific risks, with particular emphasis on fire prevention and protection. During the event, a tour of the showroom was conducted, where the most advanced systems and solutions in the field of fire protection were demonstrated.

The collaboration between PEFIPRESA and insurance firms such as QBE is essential to ensure effective and up-to-date fire protection.

Throughout the educational session, our team of experts shared valuable information, both theoretical and practical, about prevention techniques, as well as the proper use of safety equipment. The visit to PEFIPRESA Fire Protection showroom in Madrid allowed attendees to gain direct experience of the technical solutions we offer, better understanding their application in specific cases and risk scenarios.

From PEFIPRESA we would like to thank the insurer QBE for its initiative in strengthening its expertise in fire protection and for selecting us as a partner in this critical area. We remain committed to the joint mission of providing effective solutions to safeguard property and people.

PEFIPRESA continues to invest in specialized training, providing professionals with the skills and understanding necessary to optimally advise their clients and reduce the risks associated with their operations.