PEFIPRESA en las emblematicas jornadas Dia del Fuego

PEFIPRESA sponsors the emblematic event Day of fire, a successful conference

PEFIPRESA sponsored the well received emblematic conference “Day of fire”, organized by TECNIFUEGO AESPI in collaboration with CEPREVEN held in Madrid and Barcelona.

The conference held in Madrid on 12th December also coincided with the launch of the new RIPCI. It took place under the title “A global look at fire safety”. This day, revolved around topical issues, a look at the current situation and discussion highlighting the launch of RIPCI, as well as its application guide.

The congress in Barcelona was held on 14th December under the title of ” A review of the current state of fire safety”, and also revolved aorund topical issues, the current situation, highlighting the launch of RIPCI and its application guide.

Both sessions were well received and as previous occasions we saw higly distinguished people and speakers form the field of fire protection engineering.

PEFIPRESA, actively contributes and participates in many events, putting knowledge and innovations at the forefront of the sector as well as raising subjects of interest, disseminating and exchanging information in order to improve and further develop fire protection for the security and benefit of fall.