centro de formacion pci SHOWROOM PEFIPRESA

PEFIPRESA SHOWROOM ­¡Visualize and feel your future security!

The opening of PEFIPRESA‘s showroom demonstrates its innovation, awareness and dedication to fire protection.

Through various areas within the showroom PEFIPRESA simulates the design, installation and maintenance systems of well-known brands in fire protection such as MINIMAX.

With more than 50 years experience the simulation offers a way of personalising the service according to our clients needs and most importantly a pre-view of their future installation.

Along with the fully functioning showroom, the training area which has been in place for some time now runs alongside it. The theory based training and practical training offers complete preparation for a live environment. The training provides the ability to operate the equipment, the confidence to manage the equipment in a live environment and the understanding of the design and installation phases of the project using modern technology and multimedia support.

Areas within the Showroom.

There are six dedicated areas, each giving the possibility to see, hear and touch the active and passive fire protection systems and their effectiveness.

The structure is as follow:

Room 1: Automatic extinction with the use of gaseous agents.

This space houses various detection and alarm systems associated with fire extinguishing systems, fully operational and the most important extinguishing agents with configurations depending on the risk to be protected.

Room 2: Detection/alarm systems and passive fire protection

This area is composed of two parts; detection and alarm systems for active fire protection and various sectorization systems for the passive form.

There is a display with a complete installation of alarma and detection systems, fully operating and configured with an analog loop, linked to MINIMAX systems. We can also demonstrate hoy MINIMAX solutions are effective in detecting and extinguishing sparks in conduits, using a MINIMAX panel specific for this purpose.

This space also includes an area for sectorization solutions for passive protection. To simulate a dividing wall for two sectors, a vertical wall has been constructed to demonstrate a fully operational sectoring curtain. The solution incorporates a KBS (BASF) system which is distributed exclusively by PEFIPRESA within Spain.

Room 3: Automatic water and foam sprinkler system

This space houses the main types of sprinklers and control points (wet, dry, preaction and deluge with electrical and pneumatic activation) and are fully operating. Whilst connected to the deluge control point by pneumatic activation, a FIREDOS hydraulic foam proportioner is available, with its foam tank.

Room 4: Automatic water system attached to the ceiling and intermediate levels

This space has been equipped with various shelves, to manage their protection through a complete system of both roof and intermediate level sprinklers as well as their aspiration smoke detection systems (ASD).

In the same area, there are various extinguishing systems through equipped fire hydrants (BIES), inclusing BIE with a foam supply and a specific BIE with CO2.

Room 5: A group of fire-fighting pupms.

In this space we have the heart of active fire protection facilities based on water-foam and a group of fire pumps. In this case, we have opted for a typical configuration, consisting of jockey pump, the main electric pump, diesel pump, their control boxes, and other elements that make up this group composition. It includes a cabinet for remote transmission modules, test collector, ventilation grilles, room sprinklers, etc. All of these components can be seen fully operating.

Exterior space

In the outdoor space, you can see the fire water reserve tank and an area created to demonstrate the different types of sprinklers and nozzles. You can see how the water and foam discharge and their performance under the various systems.